Kelly Van Dyke Kelly Van Dyke

Rediscovering the Joy of Movement: Why Adults Should Play More

Why do adults find themselves not “playing” anymore? Why is playing so often regarded as childish? Is it a function of the pressure of society? To follow what everyone else is doing, to keep up and continue with a career that doesn’t provide fulfillment? Part of why I believe it can be so hard to start an exercise routine or fitness journey is because so often adults have lost the joy in movement. It’s hard to feel joy when movement hurts and the benefits seem so far away, I get it. We are humans (if I do have any alien readers I apologize for excluding you here), we want instant gratification, not something weeks or even months away from results. Keep pushing, push past that discomfort, and something incredible happens when the routine brings you joy. This is why it’s crucial, and I implore you to find the movement that brings you that joy and pursue more of it! To do this, if we don’t already know what that movement is, we have to be vulnerable and try new things that we might not be good at right away. This is where the growth and magic really happen.

Debunking Fitness Myths:

- Myth: No Pain, No Gain: Pushing through intense pain is not necessary for progress and can lead to injury. It's okay to challenge yourself, but listen to your body and prioritize safety. This also applies to massages, a deep tissue massage should not be like torture, though it may be a little uncomfortable at times.

- Myth: Cardio is the Best for Weight Loss: While cardio is beneficial, strength training also plays a crucial role in weight loss by increasing muscle mass and metabolism.

- Myth: You Can't Exercise If You're Sick: Light to moderate exercise can actually boost the immune system and help with recovery from mild illnesses.

Finding Fitness Joy:

For me, I have found that fitness joy can come in many ways, my favorite of which being basketball. When I first started playing over 20 years ago, I was pretty terrible. Today I can say I’m a little less terrible, but there is always some way to improve. Basketball can be incredible for cardio, especially if playing full-court 5v5. When playing with others isn’t an option, practicing shooting drills and chasing after every missed shot can be a great way to get that heart rate up for extended periods of time. This type of cardio with a game involved is enjoyable and helps me to push past that "oh my goodness I’m tired and need to stop" feeling that I get after a very short period of time on a treadmill. What does fitness joy look like for you? Is there something you have always wanted to try but shied away from? Finding a way to make your fitness journey fun and enjoyable is going to help you get the results you are after.

Quick Bodyweight Workout Routine:

- Warm-up: Jog in place for 1 minute.

- Circuit (Repeat 3 times):

- 10 Push-ups

- 15 Bodyweight Squats

- 20 Bicycle Crunches

- Cool-down: Stretch for 5 minutes, focusing on your major muscle groups.

Fun Fitness Challenge:

Try the "Plank Challenge"! Start by holding a plank for 20 seconds and increase the duration by 5 seconds each day. Challenge a friend or family member to join you and see who can hold the plank the longest by the end of the month!

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Introduction & What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Welcome to our blog, where our seasoned massage therapist shares insights, tips, and stories from the world of wellness and self-care. Join us as we delve into topics ranging from massage techniques and holistic healing to stress management and relaxation. Discover a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to nurture your body, mind, and spirit on your journey to wellness.

Hi there! I'm Kelly, a licensed massage therapist with eight years of experience. Today, I'm thrilled to dive into one of my personal favorites: deep tissue massage.

Let's talk about what deep tissue massage really is. It's a specialized type of therapy that zeroes in on the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues in your body. Our main aim? To tackle chronic tension, muscle knots (and just to clarify, your muscles aren't actually tied in knots), and areas of tightness caused by things like injuries, overuse, or poor posture.

During a deep tissue massage session, I employ slow, firm pressure and a variety of techniques to reach those underlying muscles and fascia. Whether it's using my fingers, thumbs, elbows, or even forearms, I'm applying sustained pressure along your muscle fibers and across the grain of your tissues. This approach helps break up adhesions and scar tissue, leading to improved blood circulation and greater flexibility.

"Male massage therapist applying deep tissue stroke with elbow on female client's lower lumbar region in softly lit massage room."

Now, I won't sugarcoat it – deep tissue massage can be intense. You might feel some discomfort during the session. But here's the thing: it shouldn't be painful. That's where communication comes in. It's crucial for you to let me know how you're feeling so I can adjust the pressure accordingly. Trust me, the end result is worth it. You'll walk away feeling relaxed, with reduced muscle tension and improved range of motion.

Here's a heads-up though: deep tissue massage isn't for everyone. If you have certain medical conditions or injuries, like fractures or blood clotting disorders, it's best to chat with your healthcare professional before booking a session. And if you're pregnant or recovering from surgery, definitely consult with your healthcare provider first.

So there you have it – a glimpse into the world of deep tissue massage from my perspective. If you're ready to experience the benefits firsthand, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's get started on your journey to relaxation and wellness.

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